-June 11, 2017
Donald Trump is a corrupt incompetent, and by all rights is not fit to serve a full term in elected office. But Democrats need to stop trying to accelerate his impeachment. Investigations will take place, which could easily result in high crimes and misdemeanors. But impeachment is a political process, not a legal one, and Democrats cannot afford to lose even more credibility by calling for Trump’s impeachment simply for being a big meanie they dislike. Besides, Republicans control congress, so only they can impeach Trump at this point, Democrats cannot. Trump is a distraction from the terrible things conservatives want to do such as destroying the planet and lavishing the wealthy with every conceivable dollar. The only way Republicans impeach Trump is if he becomes so toxic that he drags the rank and file GOP down so far that their reelection in 2018 is thrown into question. 45 dragging the GOP brand through the mud is exactly what Democrats need to have happen if they wish to regain the majority in the House or Senate. Hopefully Republicans are too stupid to impeach Trump before 2018 out of fear of backlash from their base, and since people hate congress and not necessarily their own congressperson. Trump is great for fundraising. Trump awoke people who never cared about politics, and we don’t want them going back to sleep. And lastly, Trump is a fascist, but an incompetent one. Why would we want a competent mad man in Pence, who would actually be effectual in organizing Republicans and putting into place their horrible agenda?
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