
Author: jellee (Page 6 of 8)

Black Lives Matter & the War on Cops

The war on cops is about as legitimate as the war on Christmas. If there were such a war, there is no question whom is winning.

Oscar GrantRoughly one thousand people are killed by police every year in America (there’s currently no federal database). In contrast, about 100 cops (unfortunately) die on the job each year. Of those hundred unfortunate deaths, the majority are result of vehicle collisions – not targeted killings.

riotgearblackguyIt is far more dangerous to be a garbage man, or a roofer, a trucker, or basically anyone who deals with heavy machinery, than it is to be a cop in America. We live in literally the safest time to have a career in law enforcement in US history – yet 58% of us believe there is a war being waged against them.ferguson12

mlkarrestTo most of us: Cops killing scores of unarmed black people + black people protesting = war on cops.


James Comey

James Comey

Self-described wacko bird Ted Cruz has accused Black Lives Matter of celebrating the murder of cops. Potential fascist-in-chief Donald Trump has condoned the beating of BLM protesters at his rallies (his campaign compared the first incident to Trump supporters interrupting a black church service).

FBI Director James Comey has blamed BLM protesters for frightening law enforcement so thoroughly that they are incapable of doing their jobs, resulting in a (non-existent) spike in inner-city violent crime – dubbed the Ferguson Effect. This is a thinly-veiled threat of violence against the populace. If cops aren’t allowed to violate the civil rights of citizens without criticism, let alone consequence – then they will do all they can to unleash anarchy. Nice little city you have there… Pasty bureaucrats & AM howlers have labeled BLM a domestic terrorist group.

We live in a country where the mere suggestion that perhaps black lives matter as well somehow requires not only a rebuttal, in all lives matter, but an outright counter-movement in blue lives matter.

George_WallaceKKKDuluth-lynching-postcardWe are a terribly racist people. It’s historically been our default. Sure, we don’t keep blacks as pets anymore, as they are equal citizens in theory. But all we’ve really done is introduce subtlety into our racist practices. We don’t lock our blacks in chains anymore. We keep them locked away in cages. We don’t have slave patrols or lynch mobs anymore; we have hung-juries, justifiable homicide-by-cop, and an ever-expanding interpretation of the castle doctrine. It is no longer in good taste to use the n-word in public. So we instead call them thugs and we speak of urban culture. We’ve replaced literacy tests & poll-taxes with Voter ID laws, felon disenfranchisement, and shuttering & shortening hours of voter precincts. (Forty percent of black males in Virginia, and 25% in FLA, cannot vote.)

Landscape Occupy_Chicago_protestors_(23)The city of Chicago has a multi-million dollar restitution fund for the years of physical torture levied against young black males in the city. Not during the 1960’s – this century. Chicago police still use a literal black site to disappear suspects, specifically (unofficially, of course) used to violate the civil rights of its citizens. The Homan Square site has been used for torture (including anal assault), and is generally used to keep suspects from having a lawyer present during questioning, or from making phone calls.

Rahm_Emanuel_news_conferencesAnita_Alvarez_2008Police reports show that Laquan  McDonald stabbed the tire of a police cruiser, and lunged at officers with a knife. He never stabbed the tire. He was shot twice while standing, and fourteen more times on the pavement. His murder by Chicago police was covered up by the entire corrupt system.  From the terrified & poorly trained Jason Van Dyke, who murdered Laquan in cold blood. To the other eight cops on the scene who not only remained silent, but went back and erased video  evidence from a nearby Burger King. To internal review, the police union, the chief of police – all the way up to Mayor Rahm Emanuel and State Attorney Anita Alvarez. Officer Van Dyke was allowed to keep his tax-payer-funded job (on desk duty) for 13 months. Alvarez finally filed charges, hours before dash cam evidence was released. Unwillingly of course, it took thirteen months, repeated judicial orders, and numerous FOIA requests.

ferguson21Mike Brown punched an officer seated in his cruiser, was shot, and ran. We were led to believe that he suddenly morphed into super negro, and decided to charge the officer after fleeing over 150 ft. The prosecutor blatantly threw the case, forcing the grand jury to let Darren Wilson walk.

justiceTwelve-year old Tamir Rice was murdered in cold blood by Cleveland police. He had a toy gun in an open-carry state. They claimed he refused repeated commands to drop the gun. Video evidence shows was shot within two seconds of officers arriving. His sister was handcuffed, and thrown into the back of the cruiser as he died. A year later, still no charges.

Eric Garner was choked to death on video. His crime was breaking up a fight, and being known for selling un-taxed loosies. Officers escalated and escalated, until he was choked him to death as he pleaded for air. The only person charged has been the guy who captured the video.

8230656_f1024John Crawford was killed for having a toy gun slung over his back while talking on his cell phone to his mother in an (again, open-carry) Ohio Walmart. Cops say he was pointing the gun at customers, and refused commands to drop the weapon. They interrogated his girlfriend, and attempted to get her to say that he brought the gun with them to the store. Video once again proved they were lying. Once again, no consequences.

Time after time we are assured in contemporaneous reports that officers were justified because of this or that. We are assured that they will investigate themselves, that we must simply be patient. Then it’s the silent treatment. Ongoing investigation.

ferguson13If people are upset, the media go about demonizing the deceased, who can no longer defend themselves. They must have smoked weed that one time. We found a picture where he looked scary. He was wearing a hoodie. She should have followed directions better. Or faster. Why did he do this? Why did he say that?

Why is he dead! Why is he dead?

SWATMounting video evidence supports the claim that we do not simply have a few bad-apples with a callous indifference to life. It is, in fact,the bunch.

It is true that a relatively small percentage of officers are responsible for the majority of complaints. However, those bad-apples are rarely, if ever, charged.  They rarely even lose their jobs! Even then, they usually are allowed to resign and find a job in another precinct (like the priests). Internal investigators are considered snitches. Good cops in bad neighborhoods are weeded out – harassed & left without backup until they (if their lucky) find work in a nice white neighborhood where they don’t have to worry about moral decisions on the job.

swatposingIt’s the culture. The thin blue line. It’s the system. The entire system. Thanks to the SCOTUS, cops are legally justified in using lethal force so long as they claim within reason that they got scared. When local judges who are elected are confronted with police brutality cases, they can’t afford to have police unions in opposition for holding their members accountable. Same goes for prosecutors, who have symbiotic relationships with the cops, who are often star-witnesses & evidence gatherers. When all of the stars align, and a particularly blatant case finally does make it to trial, overwhelmingly-white juries simply take the word of cops as bond and rarely find them guilty.

Bill Bratton

Bill Bratton

Blacks are far more likely to be stopped & searched by the cops. Being comparatively random, searches of blacks are far less likely to turn up contraband. When drugs are found, blacks are far more likely to be charged than whites. Blacks are given stiffer charges for the same offenses. They are more likely to be found guilty at trial. They are given harsher sentences when found guilty of the same crimes. They serve longer time in prison, even when receiving the same sentences. They are more likely to receive a death sentence.

Many states won’t let felons vote, or let them qualify for a Pell Grant, or live with someone receiving food stamps (SNAP) or living in public housing. We make them check a box on applications so they can’t even get an interview. We assign exorbitant fees for post-release supervision. We make them feel like second class citizens, and make it as tough as possible to make money legally. We push them right back into jail.


UNDATED: This undated photo provided by the U.S. Court of Appeals shows Judge John G. Roberts. President George W. Bush nominated Roberts on July 19, 2005 to fill the vacancy that will be created by Justice Sandra Day O'Conner when she retires from the U.S. Supreme Court. (Photo by R. Strauss/Smithsonian via Getty Images)

UNDATED: This undated photo provided by the U.S. Court of Appeals shows Judge John G. Roberts. President George W. Bush nominated Roberts on July 19, 2005 to fill the vacancy that will be created by Justice Sandra Day O’Conner when she retires from the U.S. Supreme Court. (Photo by R. Strauss/Smithsonian via Getty Images)

We have a supreme court which has said that racism is both a thing of the past, and has spread throughout the country. They’ve gutted the Voting Rights Act – crown jewel of Civil Rights Era legislation. In the process of eliminating race as a standard for Affirmative Action, Justice Scalia suggested that blacks don’t belong in good colleges because they learn slower.

Racism is like a liquid. It’s amorphic. It accumulates at the bottom. Worst of all, it makes up part of all of us. We are all bombarded with the same stereotypical portrayals of people of color (POC) by a melanin-deficient entertainment industry. We all see a similarly-pasty news media describe & depict black victims as drug/gang adjacent ne’er-do-wells; and white murders as troubled formerly –adorable adolescents, or head-cases who are in no way reflective at worst.

uncle samoccupy wake upWe all have implicit biases & in-group favoritism. In simulations where we shoot armed individuals, blacks are shot much quicker than whites, both when armed and unarmed. It takes longer for us to associate positive terms with black faces. Ebay auctions with items held by black hands receive lower bids. AirB&B requests by

black sounding names are more likely to be denied. Job applications with black sounding names get fewer responses. Beginning at the age of 11, black children are perceived as 4.5 years older, and assigned more culpability. occupy fuck apathy

Oprah_Winfrey_receives_2013_Presidential_Medal_of_FreedomBlack people are far more likely to be in unemployed or in jail. They are far less likely to be a politician, a CEO, a professor, or an engineer. They have far less wealth/lower incomes. They even live shorter lives.

Yet some of us look at all of this and say, What’s wrong with the blacks? We point to Oprah & Obama, and ask why they don’t all simply lift themselves by their bootstraps. We blame the culture. We blame the fathers. We blame the music. We blame them for drugs. We blame their work ethic (ever since they stopped working for free).

We blame black-on-black crime. Why isn’t Jessie Jackson in Chicago!?! As though every ethnic group (aside from Native Americans) aren’t victimized by their own. As though we have a problem with Tyrone getting the benefit of doubt all along the way, and eventually going free, after admittedly killing someone.

Andy_Griffith_Don_Knotts_1960In rich white neighborhoods, the police provide customer service. They’re a bunch of Andy Griffiths, and that is how rich white folks view the cops. Stands to reason. They aren’t likely to be harassed for trivial actions such as grilling meat or catching a bus. Their kids aren’t harassed for looking suspicious. When white kids in nice neighborhoods are caught doing something wrong – well, that could be a judge’s kid, or the mayor’s nephew. Roughing them up, or even holding them accountable for their actions, could be a big mistake. White kids in small towns – well their uncle could be the local pastor, or on the town council.

If rich white people know any blacks, they are likely to also be wealthy, and thus more likely to share their conservative views of those people. Poor, rural white people  want to hold onto the antiquated notion that everything right with America is sepia toned. We want to hold believe that we are superior to someone, anyone. We go to great lengths to deny racism, to deny white privilege. We take it as an attack- an attack on our personal accomplishments, an attack on our ability to sense the world around us. We see a zero-sum game. The ascendance of anyone else toward realized equality must inherently require a decline of whites. The decline of America. We can’t let it happen. We want our country back.  ferguson rioters

In recent polling, seventy-eight percent of voters chose all lives matter, to eleven prevent identifying with black lives matter.

What we fail to recognize, is that all lives do not face the same threats that black lives are forced to endure in America. Specifically, when dealing with interactions with the police, blacks are far more likely to die than whites.

Do we think black people have simply been lying all of this time? They’ve all been brain-washed by Al Sharpton?

Consider how we treat protest & civil rights movements the same manner in which we did in the 1960’s. We still monitor their communications. We still infiltrate them undercover agents (both for intel, and to incite riots during protests). We still rough-up & arrest peaceful protesters for inhabiting public spaces. We still call them agitators. We still blame anyone movement-adjacent for a handful of vandals, footage of whom is played on a loop in the media.

The current situation is untenable.

Moral Mondays

Moral Mondays

Captain Johnson

Captain Johnson

Respect is something which our police forces require. Trustworthiness is something we must require of them. We give them a gun, and with it the ultimate authority to end a person’s life. Those responsibilities must be taken seriously. The police literally work for us. They must be trained to protect the lives of civilians at all cost, not protect their own hind-quarters at all cost. They need to be trained to deal with sometimes difficult mentally ill people. They need to jettison the view of disrespect as the ultimate crime.

They need to stop killing us. This is not normal. This is not acceptable.

Cops must no longer be used to wage a racially charged war on drugs, ensnaring black and brown people into a system which is difficult to escape.

Loretta_LynchbedsdnotjailsLaw enforcement must have proper civilian oversight, not simply internal investigators. We need to incorporate more cooperation with community watch programs – not simply more money for more cops – in urban communities. The majority of cops should be required to live where they work. They should see the same community they serve at the grocery  store, in church on Sunday, and at the football game on Friday night. They should have both dash & lapel cams, which they should not be allowed to simply & unilaterally disable  on a whim (same goes for the audio).


Troy Davisferguson7Officers are trained in deescalation roughly 5% of the time that they are trained on firearms & defensive maneuvers. They use simulators in which citizens jump from cars immediately shooting. They are trained that anyone within 21 feet is a danger.

They apparently need to be trained not to shoot people in the back, shoot people who are hand-cuffed, people who are in the fetal position, people with their hands in the air, people who are naked and obviously unarmed, people with butter knives, et cetera.

Unfortunately, poorly-trained cops are given military equipment & quotas and unleashed upon the community, who are seen as potential threats, as the enemy, and cops the occupying force.
There is no war on cops. There is a demand for better trained cops, and for accountability to the people. For justice.

The Good Guys

hitlerPearl_HarborAmericans consider my grandfather’s to be our Greatest Generation. Those who fought in World War II against the most despicable human in recent history, in Hitler, and the Japanese who had brutally attacked Pearl Harbor and deployed kamikazes.

NagasakibombBut in doing so, we became the only humans to use an atomic bomb against civilians. And then another, proving that we could raze cities full of human beings with either plutonium or uranium. Japanese-Americans were demonized & fear-mongered to the point that we threw our own citizens into internment camps. We firebombed dozens of Japanese cities, Tokyo most devastatingly. As well as German cities, most infamously Dresden. We sent Jewish refugees back to Nazi Germany. Meanwhile back at home, a culture of perpetual terrorism against blacks.

What_to_do_for_Uncle_Sam;_a_first_book_of_citizenship_(1918)_(14761170606)So, if our greatest generation did some of the worst things Americans have ever done, when exactly did our actions match the rosy American Exceptionalism ideal that we’ve been conditioned to celebrate?

Columbus._Wellcome_M0007952Columbus wasn’t American, he never even set foot here – he was just lost. We credit him with discoveringHispaniola (current Haiti/Dominican Republic), even though there were as many as 3 million natives on the island. His diaries depict a brute. He notes how the generosity & kindness of the natives would render them an easy conquest. They were wiped out (killed/enslaved) within 50 years of Columbus’ arrival. And yet, we celebrate this savage every year (though more cities are instead celebrating Indigenous People’s Day).


Andrew Jackson

john wayne The_searchers_Ford_Trailer_screenshot_(8)Speaking of natives, everyone knows that we stole the land while committing a nearly-complete genocide. We stash the few that remain on reservations, and let them sell casinos & fireworks. Especially odd is our thirst for victim-hood – portraying cowboys as prey of the natives. We nostalgize their savagery!

Our Thanksgiving myth is also an ahistorical white-washing. We were already about the genocide by the time of the first Thanksgiving, it was simply confined to a relatively small area.

Marshallplanmoonlanding_commemorative_stamp_10cThis is not an attack on tradition or patriotism. After all, we were the first officially secular nation. We (eventually) fought Hitler. The Marshall Plan rebuilt Europe following years of brutal war, turning enemies into allies, and winning the battle of morality, along with hearts & minds the world over. We won race to the moon. We’ve had great innovators and artists.

uncle samOur founders were great thinkers, as evidenced by the documents & achievements they produced. But sadly, they wrote 3/5ths, and many owned slaves themselves. The best of us, and the best of times, have consistently succumbed to moral short-comings.

Prayer_for_USATry as we might, we don’t get to simply proclaim that we are the proverbial shining city on the hill. This distinction is an ongoing struggle, and determined by our actions from moment to moment. It requires generosity & restraint. It requires that we not stoop to the level of people we call the bad guys. It requires that we not be arrogant & reflexive. It requires that we make wise & moral decisions – especially when doing so is the more difficult & nuanced alternative that doesn’t fit into easy-to-consume-and-regurgitate sound bites & talking points.

Gandhi_03Attaining, much less maintaining, such a level of thoughtfulness & maturity is difficult. But that is exactly what we demand of ourselves when we profess to be exceptional. And requires that we not be ignorant of our past mistakes, so that we begin to see beyond our biased, America-centric perspective.


pvt manningFour hundred American journalists were coerced into pushing government-approved propaganda in the 1950s under Operation Mockingbird. Today, six corporations control roughly 90% of American media – from movies & television to books & magazines. Biased infotainment is packaged as news. Our government threatens actual journalists with charges of espionage, and tortures their sources/whistle-blowers. We have textbooks which refer to African slaves as migrant workers. We say the War of 1812, forgetting that (it was an off-shoot of the Napoleonic Wars, and that) we were even involved, let alone wanting to annex-us a little bit of Canada.


Susan B. Anthony

Donald_Spitz_holds_anti-abortion_signWomen couldn’t vote until a hundred years ago, and we still haven’t elected a female leader. Despite Roe, women (especially poor women) only have a semblance of bodily autonomy in much of the country. They are slut-shamed. They are looked upon with skepticism (or outright blamed) when raped on college campuses and in the military. This while hundreds of thousands of untested rape kits gather dust. Women are paid less for the same work. Assertiveness is seen as bitchiness. Along with Papua New Guinea, we have no paid maternity leave. Yet, we have MRA alpha-males who think women are keeping them down.Reagan_Boraxo

BenPhelpsHarvey_Milk_in_former_Castro_CameraTransgender individuals are berated & attacked in the streets. Though the fight for marriage equality seemed to be won fairly swiftly, generations of our gay brothers & sisters have been tortured, both physically & emotionally. The Reagan administration slow-footed funding for research and saw AIDS as a punch-line – as a gay thing. Suicide & homelessness rates are still extraordinarily high. There still are no federal protections against housing or employment discrimination. And we still have presidential candidates whose political platforms openly embrace legalized discrimination against the LGBTQ community.


President and Michelle Obama at the Door of No Return in Senegal

Jim Crow

Dred Scott

Dred Scott


My ancestors kidnapped slaves from their homes, and brutalized them on slave-ships. We beat away their (names, heritage, and) religious customs, replacing them with one that instructs slaves to bow their heads and submit, because spiritual rewards would come in another lifetime. We built this country literally on the backs of slaves (even the White House). And not historically typical slaves, who would’ve had lost in battle, or been indebted or criminal. Ours were slaves for their pigment. Dehumanized. Easy to rape & torture. Easy to rip families apart & terrorize.

ferguson11occupy wake upEven in the text of our founding documents. Even after the country was split in two over slavery in civil war, even after Reconstruction – we had Dred Scott. Thousands of lynchings went unpunished, destruction of Black Wall Street, Jim Crow, Tuskeegee experiments, red-lining, urban flight followed by gentrification. Interracial marriage was illegal until around the time my dad was born. It took the assassination of both JFK & MLK just to get the Voting Rights Act – which is now being decimated by a supreme court which says both that racism has spread beyond the South, and is a thing of the past. We have the War on Drugs and minimum sentencing guidelines leading to mass incarceration like no other nation (5% of earth’s population, and 25% of earth’s prisoners), and which is disproportionately applied to blacks.

Black_Lives_Matter_Black_Friday_(15926683602)Black_Lives_Matter_Black_Friday_(15305650544)Despite persistent video evidence of unarmed black folks being murdered by law enforcement – who are rarely, if ever, punished. The suggestion that perhaps Black Lives Matter as well somehow demands rejoinder and derision by those who reply with All Lives Matter & Blue Lives Matter.


James Comey

flag2To the point that 58% of the country believes, counter-intuitively and despite all evidence to the contrary, that there is a war on cops. During this – literally the safest – time to have a job in law enforcement in US history. FBI Director James Comey says (as do others) that violent crime is spiking (though it’s not) because cops are too afraid to do their jobs without carte blanche to violate (dark and/or poor) people’s rights with impunity.


It’s always been this way. While blacks have been the perpetual American punching bags, we don’t discriminate in our discrimination – every single wave of immigrants & refugees are perceived as others. Ne’er-do-wells to be finger-pointed & fear-mongered, for at least a little while. ‘Murican hazing, as it were.



The Irish were seen as drunken imbeciles & gang members when they came to Ellis Island, but they eventually just became white people (see, default American). Italians were particularly violent gang members, until they eventually too were allowed into the club. There’s always a number of anti-Semites (they’re not Christians, so…). Occasionally some mouth-breathing knuckle-dragger will attack a Jewish center and accidently murder some Christians (bigots generally aren’t too bright). But most Americans consider Jews to simply be white, as well.


Fred Korematsu


We used Chinese immigrants for the back-breaking work of laying our railways, while denying them basic rights, and enacting prohibition on their (real or perceived) vice. The internment of 110k Japanese-Americans (70% of whom were born here) during WWII was certainly unfortunate. The nukes & the fire-bombing during WWII were questionable, at best. While attempting to overthrow a communist North Vietnamese regime in the 1950’s, we propped up tyrants in the South. We lied about our destroyer being torpedoed in the Gulf of Tonkin as an excuse for war. We used chemical weapons on civilians (and our own) in our disastrous & despicable foray into Vietnam. Hundreds of civilians were slaughtered in the My Lai massacre. The CIA carried out numerous coups in Laos before sending in bombers, turning a quarter of Laotians into refugees. We buy iPads & dollar items from China, produced via child-labor & slave-like working conditions. And we say: Hey, tiger moms make for smart/hard-working Asian kids – at least the stereotype is positive for once, right?


Papa Doc


We stole Texas from Mexico, along with our entire Southwest. We supported Papa Doc (and Baby Doc) Duvalier in Haiti. In the Dominican Republic & Guatemala – we were involved in assassinations, coups & attempted coups, supporting a military junta even overtly with our military. Largely for US corporate interests. Hence, Banana Republic. Our CIA was involved in coups in Ecuador, Brazil, Chile, Bolivia, & Cambodia (leading to the Khmer Rouge regime). We supported dictators & tyrants in El Salvador & Nicaragua (Iran-Contra). We taught governments in Uruguay & Honduras to better & more often torture their people.

Donald_Trump_by_Gage_Skidmore_4Ann_Coulter_2012_Shankbone_6Fascists such as Donald Trump & Ann Coulter are rewarded for their hate-speech against Mexicans (and xenophobia more broadly). ‘Muricans cry about illegals (humans aren’t aliens, btw) while demanding a higher and higher wall to keep those peopleout.
Even though net migration from Mexico has been less than zero since 2010, and walls don’t stop tunnels or airplanes. (Also, walls keep seasonal workers in, who permanently bring along their families.) Politicians are talking about revoking birthright citizenship as they shout about anchor babies (see, babies, aka American citizens), undoing one of our most basic values, and reverting to pre-Margna Carta level human rights. Presidential candidates have recommended armed drones patrolling the border, and rounding up 11 million people with deportation squads.

iran pm


rummy sadaam

Rumsfeld & Hussein

bin ladinSharia-law-Billboard

The most intense (post-9/11) hatred in America is reserved, without question, for Arabs. Muslims specifically, but Sikhs (non-Muslim, yet turban adorned) are occasionally caught in the cross-hairs (again, bigots aren’t too bright). Indonesia has more Muslims than any other country, and there are 3 million Muslim-Americans. But we when we say Muslim, we see Arab, though they are generally interchangeable (like Hispanic/Latino) when speaking American. Britain, France (& Russia) divvied up Middle East control with Sykes-Picot, resulting in nonsensical political boundaries sans ethnic/tribal/religious considerations. We (along with the UK) overthrew the democratically elected leader of Iran in order to prop up a monarchy. We overthrew the democratically elected leader of Indonesia with a military coup, leading to the murder of up to a million suspected communists, many of whom were identified by the US. We gave weapons to Saddam Hussein, until he started using them on ethnic Kurds in Iraq, and invaded Kuwait. So we went to war with our former ally. The post-9/11 Iraqi government banned Saddam’s Baathists from government and military positions, leading to the formation of Daesh(ISIS) We funded Osama Bin Ladin & the Mujahideen in the 1980s – propping up religious fundamentalists in order to aid the demise of the godless Soviet commies.


Speaking of 9/11, we lied about WMDs in order to justify our illegal invasion of Iraq, one of numerous unprosecuted war crimes carried out in our name since the attacks. We lock people away without charge and torture them now. We kill civilians, seemingly indiscriminately & far from any battlefield, and we posthumously label them enemy combatants, or collateral damage, at best.


Netanyahu obama



We unquestionably support the Israeli government -Netanyahu’s Likud party specifically – while they continue to house Palestinians the worlds’ largest out-door prison. And continue to expand their occupation, while denying statehood to the Palestinian people. We give billions annually to Egypt, who execute protesters and political prisoners, in exchange for keeping Israel’s western border secure. We support (NATO member) Turkey, whose government is killing Kurds while claiming to attack Daesh, while allowing Daesh to cross the border and sell their oil on the black market. Since they sell cheap oil and keep embargos at bay, we support Saudi Wahhabis, who not only behead people regular basis, but who fund numerous terrorist organizations, including Daesh.

holly fisher hobby lobby

Hobby Lobby Holly


We recently bombed a Medecins Sans Frontieres (DwoB) hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan. We initially claimed that the bombing was an accident, since the Taliban were launching attacks near-by. Then it was an accident, because our Afghan allies called in the air strike, supposedly because they are upset that DwoB refuse to take sides in conflict, and roughly 20 Taliban were being treated at the time of the attack. Then it was an accident, but it was our special ops who called it in at behest of the Afghans, who haven’t the authority. Then it was on purpose, because the Taliban were attacking from inside the hospital (which DwoB denies), but correct procedure was not followed by special ops, who were suspended. But don’t worry, nothing to see here. It’s not a war crime, because we are the good guys, and we wouldn’t do that.

apple pie

Except for when we do – we bombed the Red Cross in Afghanistan in 2001. A pharmaceutical plant in Sudan in 1998. A formula plant (and an air-raid facility) in Iraq in 1991.

Ebola_virionsWe’re ruthless bastards. In response to Ebola, we wanted to ban travel to/from Africa altogether, even when experts claimed doing so would be counter-productive in containing Ebola. No matter. Trump said Ebola doctors must suffer the consequences. Chris Christie is being sued by a doctor who he had quarantined.


In 1939, we refused the MS St. Louis, containing 900 Jewish refugees, and returned them to Germany, where a third of them were killed by Nazis. We protested bus-loads of refugees fleeing cartels in the south.



Daash flagNow, we are again faced with refugees fleeing madmen in Syria (Assad) and Iraq. We call Daesh the most vicious murderers since the Nazis, and though they exist partly as result of our own doing, we are again proving heartless.
And stupid.

In response to the attacks in Paris, we are shutting out Syrian refugees via bureaucracy. Despite the fact that it’s much, much easier to get a Visa and a plane ticket than the 18-24 months already required to be approved for refugee status from Syria through the UN, and the US State Department, Dept of Homeland Security… And despite the fact that the Paris murderers were from France & Belgium, from whence even the Visa becomes unnecessary.

anti muslim Protest_(19255393196)Worse than the irrational stupidity & ignorance in policy-making, is the fear-mongering of Muslims. Mayors & state legislators have suggested internment camps. The blatant & worsening Islamophobia slithering its way throughout the country is extremely disturbing. Presidential candidates are talking about shuttering mosques & creating religious tests, registries, & special identification for Muslims. Trump insists thousands of Muslim-Americans in New Jersey celebrated on 9/11, and that we must bring back torture since that’s why we got Bin Ladin (also untrue). We have thought-leaders talking about nuclear first-strikes, and rabid bumpkins at town-meetings threatening Muslims & saying they’re all terrorists.

statue1This is our test. This is when our values & resolve are tested & refined. This is how we win the battle of morality & integrity in the eyes of the world. This is what it means to be free – what it means to be the best.



Paris, and the Lessons of 9/11

As everyone is well aware, murderous mad men rampaged through Paris, killing and wounding hundreds of innocent people. While the attacks were horrific in both scope and savagery, we must ensure that our response is not to lash out in a haze of revenge, and do all the wrong things, as we did following 9/11.


North_face_south_tower_after_plane_strike_9-11When nearly everyone is talking about a given subject, there are bound to be a wide range of perspectives, and people tend to fall back onto their previous biases. For instance, some are noting that while seemingly everyone has changed their facebook profile picture in support of Parisians, hardly anyone noticed the bombings in Beirut two days earlier, or the funeral bombing in Baghdad, or the Russian passenger plane. Others are responding to the #PrayforParis meme with disdain, believing that religion was the impetus for the heinous Paris attacks in the first place.

Donald Trump is saying that we should shutter mosques and create special identification and a federal database for tracking Muslims. Newt_Gingrich_CaricatureNewt Gingrich is (along with Trump) blaming the victims for their national position on gun safety laws.
Marco Rubio is (along with Trump) calling for the shuttering of mosques (and diners). Ben Carson is comparing Syrian refugees with rabid dogs, and calling for a database tracking not only Muslims, but all “foreigners.” Mike Huckabee is comparing Syrian refugees to E. coli and tainted milk; and saying that we should seal our borders and renege on the Iran nuclear deal. Jeb Bush is saying that we should only allow Christian refugees into the country. Chris Christie is saying that we should not allow even orphaned toddler refugees from Syria. Ted Cruz is saying that we should be okay with bombing more innocent civilians. Lindsey Graham is banging the drums for more war in Syria.



Paul_Ryan,_official_portrait,_111th_CongressHouse Speaker Paul Ryan is saying that we should suspend taking in any Syrian refugees, and the GOP-controlled House passed a budget cutting off funding for bringing in refugees from Syria, forcing a possible government shutdown in a few weeks – and soon-to-be Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY, and yes, they’re related) is already talking about caving.

Sharia-law-BillboardDon't_hate,_communicate_-_Save_Auslan_TAFE_Diploma_course_protestdonotslamgateThis fear-mongering of Muslims, and of Syrian refugees specifically, is disgusting. As with the immigration debate, it simply makes no sense. The application process for refugee status takes 18-24 months. But all you need to come here is a passport and a plane ticket. And if you are from Western Europe, as the Paris attackers were (along with a few thousand other Daesh members), you don’t even need the passport. Yet no one is calling for travel bans from Europe – funny that. By shunning Muslim refugees, and with so many people saying in politics, at town hall meetings, in the media; that Muslims in general are evil and unwelcome – we are partnering with Daesh in forcing people to choose between their caliphate and apostasy. The argument to cruelly refuse Syrian refugees, in order to keep us safe from Daesh murderers, is not simply ugly, it’s just plain stupid, and it helps the bad guys.

StLouisHavanaAdolf_HitlerUnfortunately, people in fear are easily manipulated. In 1939, 60% of Americans wanted to keep out Jewish refugees from Germany. The MS St. Louis, holding roughly 900 Jewish refugees from Germany, was shunned from Florida. A third of them were killed by the Nazis. Now, France is taking in 30,000 Syrian refugees. Yet in the US, we are debating whether we should still allow a miniscule 10,000. Whether we should push women and children into the murderous clutches of mad men. We’re heartless. We have no sympathy, and we are allowing murderers to terrorize us into giving up on the very values and freedoms that they want us to abandon.bush defense


Phil Donahue


Dixie Chicks

There will be many proposed solutions in response to Paris, which will be supposed and portrayed as meant to keep us safe. It’s tried and true – this is exactly what followed 9/11. (Remember freedom fries? Ironic.) Both the 9/11 hijackers and funding were Saudi – but they sell cheap oil. People in power who already wanted to go to war in Iraq lied, to the point that 70% us agreed to go to war there instead. People opposed were called un-American. Journalists & artists were jettisoned & ostracized. The Authorization for Use of Military Force from 2002 is being used now to legally justify war in Syria (& Yemen, Somalia, Pakistan…). We are playing into the hands of Daesh by sending more of our young men and women to Syria where they can be killed. And we are playing into their religious nuttery (and helping recruitment) by acting out their Damascus doomsday scenario in real life.


NSA fake logoWe passed the Patriot Act after 9/11, which has been used to basically maneuver around the Bill of Rights. The alphabet boys lap up all of our communications and store them in the NSA’s Utah Data Center for years, just in case. Now they are blaming Ed Snowden for Paris, and saying we need laws for back-doors to encryption. When they have so much data, they cannot possibly vet it with any semblance of efficacy. They have failed to provide a single instance of metadata surveillance foiling an actual plot (Boston should’ve been easy) – and the Paris murderers were previously known, had appeared in magazines, and used SMS – so metadata and encryption have nothing at all to do. Fourth Amendment protections against suspicionless search & seizure may as well no longer exist.

Lt. Cmdr. John McCain

Lt. Cmdr. John McCain

Abu_Ghraib_53jack bauer

Dzhokhar_TsarnaevWe paid a couple of asshats $85m to dig up old torture techniques used against American POWs in WWII, and we started using them ourselves on (Muslim) prisoners at Abu Ghraib. We water-boarded over 180 times, until he finally said that Sadaam Hussein had his people training alongside al-Qaeda, justifying the illegal invasion of Iraq. John McCain was tortured into saying that he hated America as a POW. Torture only works on . We still torture people at GITMO – rectal rehydration comes to mind. Obama promised to close GITMO, and most of the prisoners have been cleared for release, but every budget has included specific language banning funding for prison-transfer to the ADX supermax in Florence, Colorado where Tsarnaev is rotting, and we won’t allow them to return to their home countries. Guess we forgot about the 8th Amendment, and that whole cruel & unusual punishment thing.

Anwar_al-Awlaki_sitting_on_couch,_lightenedBarack_Obama_with_a_portrait_of_Robert_Gibbs_youngWe suspended habeas corpus after 9/11, 6th Amendment be damned. They can lock you up forever without charge now. No right to face your accuser. That’s pre-Magna Carta level civil liberties we’re talking about. When your accuser is a drone or a missile, there’s no way to turn yourself in. If the gov’t determines you to be either an ongoing or immediate threat, and capture would put US personnel at significant risk, you can be executed on the spot. Abdul Rahman al-Awlaki was a 16 year-old from Denver searching for his father in Yemen. He was killed at a café by drone strike. He didn’t know that his father (and bad guy) Anwar al-Awlaki, also an American citizen, was targeted and killed by drone strike two weeks prior. Our gov’t refuses to acknowledge whether teenage Abdul was indeed targeted, but then-White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs infamously argued that he should have “had a more responsible father” as justification.

drone1We do signature strikes, where we don’t know even know who it is that we are killing. We use metadata, so we literally target a cell phone, and whoever has it at the time is killed. We’ve attacked wedding parties and funerals. Sometimes it’s collateral damage from a specific target. Sometimes it’s just suspicious behavior, such as a large gathering or a caravan. All males of military-age are labeled enemy combatants, unless they can posthumously prove to the US government otherwise.

airport scanThey either naked-scan us, or feel us up, and since someone put a bomb in their shoe, now we all take our shoes off at the airport. Pat downs at sporting events are now commonplace.

In October, we purposely bombed a Doctors Without Borders hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan for an hour, despite repeated calls from the hospital for relief. Our government initially said that it was an accident, that the hospital wasn’t the target. Then they claimed that our Afghan allies called in the strike, before admitting finally that the hospital was indeed purposely targeted by US forces, but at behest of our Afghan allies, that it was simply a case of some lower-level mishandling, and not by any means a war crime.

flag2statue 6When we kill innocent people, especially when we then deny that they were innocents, we are not defeating our enemies, we are only causing them to multiply. When we lock people up and torture them for decades, they get to point and legitimately call us the bad guys. We cannot claim to wear the white hat when we stoop to the level of terrorists – when we act as though they are terrible for cutting people’s heads off, while we hug people to death with freedom missiles (and while our allies, the Saudi government, behead people practically daily.) When we surrender our freedoms and greatest values for the façade of security, we get neither, we are defeated, we are no longer America. We cannot give in to the feelings of fear and blind rage in reactionary flailing about following terrible events such as we saw in Paris.japanesepledge

The Oldest Profession

how1Prostitution is a crime punishable by death in Iran, Saudi Arabia, North Korea, and Sudan. In Germany and India, prostitution is perfectly legal. Same with about half of Australia – and Spain, though there are related fines in Barcelona. Prostitution is legal in Japan, excluding vaginal sex (oddly enough). Then there’s Iceland, Norway, and Sweden, where it’s legal to be a sexual entrepreneur, but not to be the john/trick/consumer. Phone_box_prostitute_calling_cards_1

We have legalized prostitution in Las Vegas, and underground brothels in places like New York.  We must end the criminalization of prostitution in the United States, which is both immoral and impractical.

Ron_Jeremy,_dirtybob Jenna_Jameson,_Nikki_Tyler_2001Because freedom. Two (or more) consenting adults should have every right to express themselves sexually as they see fit. Key words being: consenting, and adults. If all parties involved are consenting adults, then introducing money into the equation simply makes it a business transaction. We already treat prostitution in this manner all throughout the country, so long as a camera is involved. We require that the actors prove their age, records of which the feds can inspect at any time. They are generally tested for STIs twice a month. They pay their taxes.

Stripper_em_preto_e_brancoStripper_with_garters_on_poleWe should treat sexual entrepreneurs in a similar manner. Require that they apply and qualify or a business licence. Require regular physicals. We shouldn’t revoke licences from those living with certain infections, because there would be clientele with the same. They should, however, be required to disclose any and all STIs to clientele. (Professionals may require that customers provide their test results prior to any consensual business transaction.)  We could restrict certain forms of advertising. Zoning with consideration for schools, as we do with strip clubs. (As an aside, it’s horrible how we allow employers to label dancers as independent contractors, robbing them of Social Security, unemployment insurance, Medicare…)Key_West_Mardi_Gras_Lounge

There are only puritanical excuses to ban prostitution (which boil down to the want of some to punish sexual activity out of wedlock, and to render women dependent upon men), there are not valid reasons.

Attributed_to_Kusakabe_Kimbei_(1841–1934),_Yoshiwara_Girls,_Japan,_1890s,_albumen_silver_print_with_hand_coloring,_HMA12743385_f260Most importantly, the lives of sex workers would be vastly improved. Criminalization pushes legitimate an otherwise legitimate practice onto the black market, and pushes vulnerable individuals into the arms (and backhands) of pimps.  Rather than physically abusive pimps, prostitutes should be dealing with landlords, accountants, bureaucrats, and physicians. Quality of life would increase tremendously, with vastly increased incomes, and decreased stigmatization. Sex workers would have much safer business locations. As it stands now, a john can stiff a prostitute, who cannot report the theft to police, and will likely be beaten by their pimp for losing the money, before being sent back out on the street.

The White Slave

The White Slave

Child_prostitute_in_1871The negative aspects of prostitution are because the practice has been criminalized, not because they are inherent. No one likes child-trafficking. If prostitution was legalized and regulated, qualified entrepreneurs would conduct business in the proverbial daylight and off of the streets. Child-victims would lack proper licencing, all the easier to capture and charge their abusers. If we ended the madness that is the prohibition on prostitution, the losers would be the pimps and the traffickers.

We should want to help victims of human trafficking and child rape. We should want to help sexual entrepreneurs and their customers. We should want to help the quadriplegic person who doesn’t feel as though they can find a sexual partner, and can’t even touch their own self. Everyone has needs – have a little compassion, people!

Running_of_the_Santas_with_Hooters_girlsNAMA_Courtisane_&_clientWe all accept sexual entrepreneurship as the oldest profession for good reason – there has always been and will always be a market for sex. We already have bikini baristas and breastaraunts. We have strippers and porn. We have sugar daddies, the back page, and the girlfriend experience. Prohibition only serves to push otherwise legitimate businesses and individuals onto the black market, bringing unnecessary violence and hardship, which is anything but moral. We should be practical, and understand that attempting to ban a consensual act that has been practiced since the dawn of civilization satisfies Einstein’s definition of insanity.

The Many Tall Tales of Ben Carson

bencarsongiftedBen Carson seems to have lost his mind. It’s no certainly no secret that the man speaks as though he were a lunatic, but the level of scrutiny applied to a leading presidential candidate seems to be breaking him.

bencarson6He has no voting record in any legislative body to study, and he has little-to-no policy positions or papers to parse. He does, however, have six books. Carson suspended his presidential campaign in favor of his book tour, again, and reporters followed. He was queried regarding numerous questionable tales peppered throughout his biography. As with debate moderators, the questions from campaign correspondents seemed too much for Carson to endure. His default docile demeanor was discarded. He raised his normally dulcet voice to the point of cracking. He interrupted. He pointed and flailed. He paced and nearly mounted his podium. Carson questioned again and again why he was receiving what he described as the most scrutiny of any candidate he had ever witnessed, yet the media cared not one little bit about President Obama’s sealed Columbia University records. Which, it should be noted for the record, are not sealed at all – yet another piece of evidence suggesting that the good doctor inhabits an alternate reality.

bencarson1Ben Carson doesn’t believe that the pharaohs of ancient Egypt had the pyramids built as tombs (despite all of the hieroglyphics scrawled upon the pyramids). Carson describes the biblical story of Joseph storing large amounts of grain – he sees the pyramids – and voila! He admits that his theory is considered crazy by anyone with any sort of knowledge on the subject, yet he maintains it nonetheless. Why would a man intelligent and driven enough to rise from inner-city poverty to the apex of his profession – and not just any profession, but friggin’ brain surgery – why would that guy spew such nonsensical drivel?

Ben_Carson_in_New_Hampshire_on_August_13th,_2015_1_by_Michael_Vadon_19For one thing, it’s working. He’s sold tons of books, Cuba Gooding, Jr. portrayed him in a film. And for the time being, at least, he is atop the republican polls. He’s the front-runner. So his schtick is definitively attractive to certain segments of American society.

gohmertpalinDespite significant evidence to the contrary, I refuse to believe that politicians are just plain stupid. Not even Louie Gohmert or Sarah Palin. They may spew ramblings which are utterly ridiculous and patently false, but there is always a ready audience in the conservative base for even the most outlandish. In that world, any push-back or correction is seen as yet another example of (imaginary) liberal media bias. Politicians use any and all criticism for fundraising emails, and no conservative has ever lost primary votes for going to war with the liberal media.

We already know that Carson thinks Obamacare is a form of slavery, and that the Holocaust happened because Hitler took the guns from the Jews. That he compares women who’ve had abortions to slave owners, and thinks gayness isn’t real because straight people decide to turn gay in prison. So what is he saying now, and why is it crazy enough to get me to write about this guy yet again? Because the nonsensical fables framing his biography speak more to whom exactly he is talking to in this country, than about the man personally.

Ben_Carson_at_the_Southern_Republican_Leadership_Conference,_Oklahoma_City,_OK_May_2015_by_Michael_Vadon_07Though none of his friends or relatives have thus far been willing to back up his statements or characterizations, Carson claims to have been a very violent and scary young black man. He tried to kill people. His own mother, even. Just ask him. Ben Carson claims to have attacked his mother with a hammer. Fortunately, his brother stopped him. Unfortunately, his mother has alzheimer’s and can’t be seen. Also, his brother can’t be bothered to comment, because Ben wouldn’t want the media jackals to have their way with him.

bencarson5His poor mother was not the only family member to feel the wrath of young, violent and scary Ben. Though he’s changed his story about which relative, the story remains the same; Ben was so enraged that he took up a knife and stabbed his fellow teenage relative in the abdomen. Miraculously, the amorphous relative was wearing a large metal belt-buckle, and since Ben had used such force in his thrusting of the knife, the blade broke clean off the handle and fell to the floor without harm. Ben then ran into the bathroom, where he found a bible. Where he found the Lord. Scary, black teenage Ben emerged from the bathroom a changed man. A docile and dulcet man. Because Jesus.
Ben_Carson_by_Gage_Skidmore_3Then there’s West Point. Carson was in the ROTC, and claims to have had dinner with General William Westmoreland following a parade in 1969, where he was offered a full-ride scholarship to West Point. Thing is, West Point doesn’t offer scholarships, tuition is free to those who are accepted, followed by military service. But Carson didn’t apply because he wasn’t interested. Also, General Westmoreland was likely not there at all when Carson says he was. Carson marched in the 1969 Memorial Day parade in Detroit, while records of Westmoreland’s schedule show that the general was in D.C. in the days both preceding and post-, with no mention of Detroit.

Mr. Carson was accepted into Yale. Says that during on-campus riots following the assassination of MLK, he sheltered poor white students from the violent and scary, black Yale students outside. Once again, no witnesses have been willing to back his claims.

Ben_Carson_by_Gage_Skidmore_4Also at Yale, Carson claims to have been given $10 for being “the most honest student” in Perceptions 301. Students had taken an exam, sections of which were lost in a subsequent fire, so they were to retake portions of the exam. When the 150 students arrived, the retake was twice as difficult as the original. One-by-one, student after student rose and exited without completing their exams. The professor finally returned with a photographer from the Yale Daily News, and a $10 reward. However, Perceptions 301 was not an actual class at Yale, so Carson’s account has severe flaws. Odd to have a professor of an imaginary class, who Carson would have known had he been in the class. Also, the Yale Daily News had no pictures at all of Carson, yet alone having to do with him being the most honest student in a nonexistent class. This story is not a complete fabrication, though. It was found the Yale Record, under the heading PARODY.

Ben_Carson_in_New_Hampshire_on_August_13th,_2015_by_Michael_Vadon_28Then there was the time that lazy and stupid young Ben was failing chemistry. Says that even if he had gotten an A on the final, he still would’ve failed the course. That he intended to learn the entire book the night before. Instead, he prayed. Implored for a miracle, lest he fail out of medical school and become a failure in life. An angel tutored him in his sleep, and when he went to class the next day, he recognized all of the questions on the final from his dream angel tutor. He miraculously “aced” the test and passed the class. Because Jesus!

Ben_Carson_by_Gage_Skidmore_5While blaming the shooting victims at Umpqua for their own untimely deaths, Carson described how he had reacted when a gun was pulled on him in the past. Though he was a vegetarian at the time, Carson claims that he went with friends for fries at a “Popeye’s organization” in Baltimore. While inside, a robber stuck his gun into the ribs of Carson, who calmly suggested that the man instead wanted the guy behind the counter working the register with the loot. Carson says that a police report was filed by the employee. This may have happened. That particular establishment, on 300 N Broadway, had numerous encounters during the time in question (’81-’83). It is odd, though, that a robber would pull his gun on a random student in line, instead of the guy with the cash. If Carson had said that the guy demanded his watch, or wallet, or something at all (along, perhaps, with those of other patrons of the Popeye’s?) then his story would make some semblance of sense. But then he would likely have stayed and filed a police report himself, which of course didn’t happen.

Ben_Carson_in_New_Hampshire_on_August_13th,_2015_1_by_Michael_Vadon_01Again, these stories are not random ramblings of a pathological liar, they fit a very specific narrative which feeds into the brand that Carson has been selling for decades. That white Christian conservatives have been right all along. That without Jesus, young blacks are violent and scary, reckless individuals – individuals, though, who could still achieve anything in this world, if they would simply calm down and bow their nappy heads.

Ben_Carson_in_New_Hampshire_on_August_13th,_2015_by_Michael_Vadon_43Especially informative are Gifted Hands‘ reflections on the biblical character of Joseph. Carson’s pyramid theory is utter madness, yet it works for him because it is based completely in faith, and any attack on his faith equals martyrdom, which he can use to rally Christian conservatives to his cause. Carson also describes the story of Joseph showing off his flashy tunic as a young man, how he was brash and boastful, and was sold into slavery out of jealousy. But, Carson recounts, Joseph determined that if he was going to be a slave, he would be the best slave of all. Joseph was indeed the best slave, and, in Carson’s words, wound up running the place.

Ben Carson, Loon

bencarson1Lunatics reside within every culture. While the vast majority are relegated to the fringes of society, occasionally their lunacy is allowed to seep into, and find a foothold within, the political discourse. In such times, we have no choice but to pick up our collective and proverbial pens. Does Ben Carson believe the hate-filled nonsense that he spews for political expediency? Does Ann Coulter? Does candidate Trump? No matter. The matter at hand is not simply that of the lunatic fringe, but of the public embrace of their madness without social reprieve.

Ben Carson is running for president, yet he predicts that Obama will institute Marshall law, and cancel the 2016 elections altogether in order to stay in power.

bencarson5While it is certainly troubling that Ben Carson doesn’t think Muslims should be allowed to hold public office, more troubling is that the roughly 80% of Iowa Republican primary voters nod in agreement with his most vile and disgusting of public statements.

bencarson6Ben Carson says that Obamacare is the worst thing since slavery. Yes, slavery. Attempting to provide affordable healthcare to Americans without, is the worst thing since slavery to lunatic Ben Carson. Speaking of slavery, Carson compares the reproductive rights of women to slavery, equating women to plantation owners. Ben Carson wants to use the government to force rape victims to carry to term the seed of their rapists. Carson says that he may generously be willing to hear an argument for killing a baby, but only if the woman is going to die, which he doesn’t believe ever really happens.

Ben_Carson_by_Gage_Skidmore_3putin caricatureHe does believe, though, in nonsensical conspiracy theories, with no evidence whatsoever. He believes that the Palestinians, Iranians, and Russians were allied at a university in Russia, when Putin was a high-schooler living hours away, and the other two individuals in question were likely never there at all.

Ben_Carson_by_Gage_Skidmore_4Ben Carson says that Darwin was “encouraged by the adversary.” He says that he doesn’t “have enough faith” to believe in the “fairy tale” of the Big Bang theory. He is not only against LGBTQ rights, he doesn’t really believe in gayness at all, since he thinks that time in prison can cause anyone to engage in same-sex relations.

bencarsongiftedThis from a man of science – scientifically adjacent, at least. Gifted Hands attained his fame via surgical acumen, compounded by his unlikely ascendance from poverty. Now, he wants to eliminate Medicare, and replace it with some sort of private account for Wall Street to nickel & dime into oblivion. He bases his tax policy upon tithes and offerings commanded in the bible. He wants to unleash weaponized drones upon migrants and refugees negotiating our Southern border.

hitlerHe claims that gun-control led to the Holocaust, when non-loons know that the Treaty of Versailles demanded the disarmament of the German citizenry, long before the rise of the Hitler, who in fact deregulated shotguns and handguns. But what do facts matter, after all?

Ben_Carson_in_New_Hampshire_on_August_13th,_2015_by_Michael_Vadon_43He’s blamed mass-shooting victims in Oregon for their own untimely deaths, saying that he wouldn’t “just stand there.” He asserted that he would have gained consensus, and convinced other people to attack the shooter, in such an event. (Even though a veteran did try to attack the shooter, and got seven bullets for his efforts, before the shooter eventually killed himself.) This before Carson “admitted” that a guy robbing a “Popeye’s organization” in Baltimore (though no police report exists, and Carson was a vegetarian at the time) inexplicably put his gun into Carson’s ribs (why a customer?), before Carson supposedly and calmly ushered the assailant toward the person manning the cash register.

Ben_Carson_in_New_Hampshire_on_August_13th,_2015_1_by_Michael_Vadon_19He’s in first place in Iowa, yet he’s suspended his campaign in favor of his book tour. So why is this man, this blatant lunatic, beloved by the republican base? Because Ben Carson goes on television, and claims that he was a typically violent young black person, until he found Jesus and decided to calm down and become a religious fundamentalist who relentlessly attacks those perceived as the other/lesser than.Uncle_Tom's_Cabin_1901b.tif

Ready for Hillary?

Hil16ryTwenty-sixteen will hold the most significant presidential election in my lifetime. Of course, this claim is made every four years, and it’s rarely, if ever, true. While all presidencies are certainly relevant in their time, relatively few are memorable in retrospect. Washington was numero uno. Jackson led a genocide. Lincoln freed the slaves. But for every JFK or FDR, there’s five Franklin Pierce/Millard Fillmore-types.

Fiorina_CircleSo why is this particular election so meaningful? For starters, odds are (ask Vegas) that we will at long last remedy the national disgrace of having never elected a female leader, nearly a century after the 19th Amendment established the rights of women to vote. However, that alone is certainly not reason enough to vote for Hillary. After all, this was also the case in 2008, and Carly Fiorina is running for the Republican nomination, if we’re only interested in checking boxes.Reagan_Boraxo

scaliaThis coming election is the most important of my lifetime, because of the nine Supreme Court Justices, four – Breyer, Ginsberg, Kennedy, & Scalia – will be at least 78 years of age by election night ‘16. Ronald Reagan did a lot of damage to this country during his eight years in office. From fundamentally restructuring our tax code in order to redistribute more and more wealth to the wealthy (which we still haven’t fixed), to union-busting, to ramping up the war on drugs, and demonizing and fear-mongering welfare queensand strapping young bucks in blatant dog-whistle attacks, to marrying evangelicals to the republican party, to illegally selling arms to terrorists, and slow-footing his response to AIDS because he thought it was a gay thing. But Reagan-appointee Antonin Scalia has been dragging this country rightward from the highest bench for going-on 30 years now. Reagan also happens to be the last president to have more than two justices confirmed, three decades ago.

sambrownbackted cruzIf President Ted Cruz were to be sworn in in January, 2017, we could very well have seven conservatives on the court by the end of his administration. Bye-bye reproductive rights. Bye-bye voting rights. Bye-bye marriage equality. And that’s just what the SCOTUS would do. If conservatives held a firm grasp on all three branches of government, including both chambers of congress, and roughly two-thirds of the states? I’ve seen what conservatives have done to Texas, Florida, North Carolina, Kansas – we’d be in a bad way.

That said, an anti-republican case is not necessarily a pro-Hillary one. After all, President Bernie Sanders would nominate reasonably similar justices to Hillary, given the opportunity. But Hillary is perhaps both the most widely anticipated front-runner, and most qualified candidate, in memory.

hillaryBefore serving as Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton was Senator Clinton of New York. She’s done amazing work for charity with the Clinton Global Foundation. Before she was a very prominent First Lady (her Women’s Rights Are Human Rights speech was quite memorable), she was…also first lady, of Arkansas. Hillary was on the board of (Arkansas based) Wal-Mart. She was the first female partner at Rose Law, was on the Yale Law Review editorial board, and gave the first commencement speech by a student at Wellesley College, where she was president of the Young Republicans as a freshman.

charging bullHillary Clinton is, more than anything else, a politician. She is the establishment. Her largest contributors are financial institutions. clinton swearing inShe has spent her years since State stroking the egos of banksters for hundreds of thousands a pop. She is on the record stating that she would not support reinstatement of Glass-Steagall. She summed it up best in the initial democratic primary debate – “I represented Wall Street as a Senator from New York.” Indeed.

The President and First Lady enjoy a dance on stage at one of 16 Inaugural Balls

The President and First Lady enjoy a dance on stage at one of 16 Inaugural Balls

After all, it was Bill Clinton who was president when Glass-Steagall was repealed in the first place, undoing 60 years of sound financial regulatory policy, laying the groundwork for the Great Recession. Bill worked with Republicans to boot millions of poor folks off of the welfare rolls, to harass the LGBTQ community with DOMA, to destroy hundreds of thousands of lives with the 1994 crime bill. While Bill says he’s sorry for some of that now, and Hillary didn’t cast any of those votes or sign any of those laws, she was publicly vocal and supportive a the time.Nazi_Hillary_-_September_15,_2007

Hillary is among the most hawkish of politicians, especially among democrats. She lost to Obama in ’08, partly because of his repeated attacks on her vote on the Iraq war. Her war drums bang in unison with Bob Menendez and Chuck Schumer, with Kelly Ayotte and John McCain.

gaddafi#Benghazi! was a failure, as with our Libya policy writ large. Libya was supposed to be Hillary’s pet project, her main achievement in her time at State, her go-to foreign policy talking point. They all wanted Muammar Gaddafi out, but Republicans were calling for troops on the ground, which turned out to be entirely unnecessary. Libya held free elections. Success! Then four Americans were killed in an attack on our consulate (CIA outpost, actually), which conservatives turned into the political football that is #Benghazi!

Hillary_Clinton_Testimony_to_House_Select_Committee_on_BenghaziConservatives have been shouting #Benghazi! to each other for years now, without being able to coherently explain to anyone else what the scandal part is supposed to be. trey gowdyKevin_McCarthy_113th_CongressAfter nine congressional investigations thus far, conservative politicians and aides (including Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy) are finally starting to publicly admit what we’ve known all along, that the #Benghazi! hearings are nothing more than a tax-payer funded fishing trip meant to derail Hillary’s presidential aspirations. Following Hillary’s 11-hour testimony, select committee chair Trey Gowdy admitted that he had learned nothing new. Gowdy and Co. have screwed up #Benghazi! so thoroughly, that Hillary suddenly seems the sympathetic figure in comparison. What remains to be seen, is whether she will be able to convince the voting public to associate the partisanship of the investigations, with the (so-far) unrelated emails exposed therein.

US-OR-Portland-20140204_052753_LLSIn an attempt to convince progressives that she shares their concerns, Hillary’s been uttering platitudes for months now. She’s suddenly against the terrible TPP, despite publicly supporting it dozens of times, to the point of calling it the gold standard of trade deals. She’s suddenly opposed to the Keystone XL tar-sands pipeline. She’s talked up criminal justice reform, debt-free college…

Image by Tim Pierce via flickr https://www.flickr.com/photos/qwrrty/8152000438/

So why then, did I replace my Elizabeth Warren 2016 bumper sticker with a Feel the Bern 2016 model? Because Bernie Sanders’ progressive bonifides are practically unassailable. He has been preaching the same populist message for 40 years in politics. Populism is, by definition, popular. Bernie brings the crowds. Bernie_SandersBernie doesn’t talk like a politician, his responses are substantive and policy-driven. He doesn’t evade or obfuscate. Bernie is not a calculating establishmentarian hack who is running to the left for the primary, before veering back to the center for the general. He’s not even a democrat! He’s a self-described democratic socialist, who is only teaming with democrats for the party infrastructure (read, $) necessary to win the presidency. Bernie wants to shout his populist message from the proverbial rooftops, in order to drive up voter-turnout of people of who know that the political machine, filled with corporatists like Hillary Clinton, cater only to the wealthy donor-class. Bernie wants to turn our oligarchy back into the democracy that it was supposed to be.

Eff-you Populism of The Donald

Donald_Trump_by_Gage_Skidmore_3_(cropped)While comedians and satirist are undoubtedly giddily chortling away at the prospects, I never thought I would feel compelled to scribble my thoughts on one Donald Trump. To be clear, The Donald is an abhorrent abscess, a bombastic buffoon, a cartoonish clown, who looks about as intelligent when he speaks as are the words spewing from his gullet. But, given recent events, I have little choice but to comment on Mr. Trump and his brand of eff-you populism, in all its glory – and what his meteoric rise says about the republican base.

The Donald’s name has been gracing headlines from coast to coast non-stop since the announcement of his presidential campaign. In his rambling, unscripted screed, he proclaimed that;

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

Trump_2016Pressed in later interviews, Trump asserted that Mexican government negotiators were somehow picking and choosing whom crosses the border, given their superior negotiating skills to those of President Obama.

While I won’t waste too much time on these ignorant and xenophobic assertions – why, pray tell, are the cartels still in Mexico, if the Mexican government gets to choose whom to export to the US? Are women and children – families – more of a burden to the Mexican government than are the cartels? More substantively, net migration from Mexico has been less than zero since 2010, the first year that that was the case, given fewer prospective jobs here as result of the Great Recession. Also, natural born citizens are far more likely to go to prison than immigrants, whether documented or otherwise. So The Donald’s entire premise is faulty, aside from ugly.

A few more odd claims from The Donald; he will force Mexico to pay for an impenetrable wall, because of his superior negotiators, of course. That there are up to 31 million undocumented immigrants in the United States, when the broadly accepted number is roughly 11 or 12 million. That he will win the Latino vote, when Mitt Romney managed but 27%, because jobs. Speaking of, Trump proclaimed that “I will be the best jobs president God ever created.”

In response to Trump’s nonsensical, nativist ramblings – ties were cut by NBC, Univision, NASCAR, Macy’s, the PGA, ESPN… Chef Jose Andres backed out of a deal to run a Trump restaurant, Rosalyn Sanchez backed out of co-hosting Miss USA. The cities of Baltimore and New York are reviewing their relationships with Trump.

Donald_Trump_by_Gage_Skidmore_2In the most Donaldest of reactions, #Trumplestiltskin thumped his spray-tanned chest at the prospect of having secured nonrefundable deposits from both ESPN & the PGA, and could thus re-book and turn double profit. Squee! Also declared that it was he who had severed ties with Macy’s and NBC, as opposed to vice versa, because of course he would.

This is the same Donald Trump who still to this very day maintains the notion that Barack Obama’s place of birth is an unsettled issue. Who claims to have a secret and fool-proof plan to defeat ISIS (Daesh), which he refuses to share, because he wants credit when he inevitably defeats them personally (at least recently he has clarified that oil should be targeted, a good start). Who is an anti-vaxxer, and a climate denier. Who believes that Ebola doctors “must suffer the consequences.” Who has said that he has a “great relationship with the blacks.” Mr. Trump posits that if anyone rents or is employed from/by he or one of his business partners, then that person’s entire community must automatically love The Donald by default. Trump has stated his opposition to same-sex marriage, yet with a straight face refuses to admit the cognitive dissonance of espousing traditional marriage, given his being thrice divorced.

Mr. Trump was born into wealth, the heir of a real estate mogul. As a trust-fund baby, Donald used his father’s name and his own shady business practices to amass vast wealth during an era of deregulation and corporate tax largess. Bankrupted more times than divorced, Trump only allowed his private funds to be put in harm’s way until his first bankruptcy. Since then, he rakes in money personally throughout the entire processes of bankrupting a given company – socializing the expenses while privatizing the gains, standard operating procedure in an oligarchic corporatocracy.

Famous for his cotton candy-esque, orangutanean mane, this is not The Donald’s first flirtation with the presidency. He once proclaimed that he and Oprah Winfrey would be an unbeatable ticket (Oprah, of course, threw a tremendous amount of shade on said notion). The past three occurrences were seen as little more than self-promotional flailings of an egomaniacal nincompoop, and this time would likely be no different. After all, Trump is nothing if not a miracle of brashness & branding. In order to really run for president, financial filing are required which could potentially render moot the decades of propaganda equity involving the vast Trump wealth, which is basically his entire brand. Those filings are due mid-July ‘15. (Though there are dual 45-day extensions, which Trump has said he won’t use.)

Yet somehow, Trump has found a loophole of sorts to assist in his journey. His racist and xenophobic slurs keep his name in the national media, and his showing in the national polls assures him a spot in the republican debates, which begin before his financials are due, given extensions. This while other contenders who would at present be left out of the debates, such as John Kasich or Bobby Jindal, are spending their time smooching the hind-quarters of billionaires, in order to pay for local ads to run in New Hampshire and Iowa, early primary states. Similarly, Trump may not need to rely upon any donors at all in order to win the primary, and the party infrastructure would have no choice but to back him if he were to attain the nomination, so no one has any leverage to tell him anything about himself whatsoever, be them party leaders or the donor-class.

Not that they aren’t trying. Republican National Committee Chair Reince Priebus reportedly implored Trump to tone it down. Conservative Washington Post columnist George Will has implied that if Donald Trump were a democratic operative posing as a republican, he would be doing nothing different than he is now.

His presence at the debates will pull the conservative candidates further and further right with every verbal barb, with every “idiot”, every chest-thumping insistence or non-apology, every degredation of immigrants and/or brown people, he will be in essence berating his fellow candidates into making more and more outlandish statements in order to prove their comparative bonifides of right-winginess. It is very hard to imagine a scenario in which Trump would find himself inhabiting 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue come January ’17, after all his overall disapproval ratings have polled as high as 55%. Despite the exposure loophole he has unearthed, money still rules the post-Citizen’s United day, and both Scott Walker & Marco Rubio have garnered the support of both the Koch brothers, and Sheldon Adelson, while main stream media pushes Jeb! 2016. Donald Trump will, rather, greatly increase the chances that a handful of progressive justices are appointed to the bench in the coming four-to-eight years. Huzzah and kudos, sir!Donald_Trump_by_Gage_Skidmore_4

No matter, Trump has shot to the top of the charts. Consistently in the top three, he is now finishing as high as first in recent polls for republican nominee. Sure, Herman Cain and Michelle Bachmann had runs at the top last time around, but they plummeted with the increased scrutiny associated with residing atop the leader-board. Trump, in contrast, has risen with increased coverage. Insisting repeatedly that his inflammatory remarks are justified, especially since he has personally inserted the supposedly yooge issue of immigration into the headlines -The Donald is as unapologetic as he is offensive.

More importantly, what does the ascendance of a xenophobic, hate-spewing, walking, talking punch-line say about the base of the republican party, regardless of his staying-power? If Donald Trump is truly a reflection of the values and demeanor of conservatives in America, then perhaps a long look in the mirror would be well-served.


Innocence of Tamir Rice

Twelve-year-old Tamir Rice was playing in a park across the street from his home in Cleveland. Video shows young Tamir picking up snow with both hands and throwing it in the air. Kicking at piles of snow. Tamir was also playing with a toy gun. A 9-1-1 call was made. Three times the caller suggests that he thinks the gun might be fake. And states that it’s wielder was a juvenile. But that people were concerned. Video shows a patrol car pull up feet from Tamir. Officers exit from each front seat. Tamir was shot and killed within two seconds. His sister was on the scene within moments. She was handcuffed and placed in the rear of the patrol car with her brother laying dead just yards away. Tamir’s mother was warned that she would wind up next to her daughter if she wasn’t calm. By the killers of her child.


Police said that they had instructed Tamir to drop the gun three times, before he reached into his waistband. In two seconds time. And that he looked 20. Tamir Rice was 12. He was a child at a park doing the things that children do at parks. And they said that he looked 20. Twenty? They mentally took his childhood from him, in assuming his adulthood. Before they literally took his childhood, in the taking of his life.

No charges filed.

African_slave_ship_diagramLook a’here, fellow pasty-Americans. We have a real, substantive and systematic problem with racism in this country. And it’s on us. We literally started it. We’ve perpetuated it. And even now, we either deny it still exists, or simply blame black people for all that ails their community.

Homeless_-_American_FlagAnd does it ail. Black people die young. Shorter life expectancies than whites by 3.8 years. Now that probably has more to do with socioeconomic status than race. Speaking of, average white household wealth is over 20 times that of blacks. The unemployment rate of blacks is roughly double that of whites. Black people make up just 12% of the population, but comprise 39% of the prison population, including 40% of death row. Less likely to graduate, to own a home, or a business. More teen pregnancy. Less likely to marry. Et cetera.

thugs w gunsSome us of look at these things, and it only reinforces stereotypes. That blacks are particularly violent. Inherently dangerous, sometimes with super-human strength. Sexually insatiable. Unusually slothful. And always fucking late (see what I did there?).

But why? What is it about black people that makes them that way? The answer is – nothing. Nothing at all.

wiggerWe have to talk to each other. When you talk to people who seem totally different from you, you learn that you have a lot of things in common. We all have the same problems and the same joys. We all have families we love and bills to pay. We’re all the same. It has been asserted that we are all within about 50 cousins of one another. All of us. On the planet. Seven billion of us are basically one big family. Race is just a social construct. We are different colors only because our ancestors lived in different climates. There was more or less sun, so we have more or less melanin in our skin. That’s it. We are all homosapiens.

And yet, Tamir Rice was gunned down in two seconds, presumed to be an adult.

Dennis_the_Menace_promoThere was a study which people were shown pictures of various individuals, and asked to guess their age. Black children were assigned an extra 4-and-a-half years. We as a society take the innocence from black children at a much younger age than white. We assign more culpability to black children. Children.

There was another study, like a video game an individual would appear on the screen, and if they have a gun, you pull a trigger. On-screen black characters were shot in the study both far more often, and much more quickly, than white. Or a similar study in which random faces are shown along with the word good/bad. It takes far longer to press keys associating good with black faces. There have been studies which have shown that black hands holding an item return lower bids on ebay. And shown that otherwise identical resumes with black sounding names are far less likely to receive a response.  And that teachers have lower expectations for black students…

Zimmerman,_George_-_Seminole_County_MugWe have to get past the stereotypes. And it’s not easy. It’s everywhere. There are no black imoji (for now, at least). Who cares, right? Until fairly recently, all of the dolls were white, too. Most all of the characters in the movies and on television screens were white. All of the comic books. All of the heroes. White. The hero even wears a white hat. The villain wears the black hat. Has a black heart. White is purity and light. Black is evil and darkness.

Will_Smith_Le_Prince_De_Bel_AirEven today, black men are rarely leading men. Often cast as the thug, the gentile giant, or the jester. Black women? Jezebel, Mammy, and the strong black woman.

Biggie Coogi_Blk_&_WhiteThe media is a big driver of stereotypes. And the music doesn’t help. Don’t get me wrong, I love Tupac. Love Biggie. I even listen to some Brotha Lynch Hung from time to time, which is about the most violent and honestly sadistic music one could possibly produce. Thought Eminem’s most despicable songs were hilarious, too. It’s entertainment. These artists (with rare exception) aren’t actually the kinds of people who do the violent things their songs depict.

2Pac-thuglifeAs Tupac once said, he was communicating the fables of his community. Telling the stories of people and things he saw. Not what he necessarily did or thought personally. As violent as Hit ‘Em Up, and as sexually explicit as Thug-N-U, Thug-N-Me – juxtapose those with the tenderness and affection of Keep Ya Head Up and Brenda’s Got a Baby.

Maya_Angelou_connected_with_countless_people_through_her_powerful_poetryMaya Angelou’s words continue to inspire generations. I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. Oprah built an empire. Jordan owns the team now. We celebrate MLK from coast to coast. We even have a black president, Barak Hussein Obama. Hussein! See? Haven’t we come so far? This is America. Anyone can make it. All it takes is hard work and discipline.Oprah_Winfrey_and_Barack_Obama & Michelle (Just ask folks like Charles Barkley, Bill Cosby, LL Cool J, Stacy Dash, Ben Carson…)

In fact, these are the exceptions that prove the rule. That our black brothers and sisters are as talented and gifted as any. That given opportunity, they are certainly as capable.Chris_Rock_2014

As Chris Rock recently (and brilliantly) put it – it’s not that black people are making progress in America, it’s that white people are making progress in accepting that we are equal.

And this is where we start talking past each other.

Emmett Till

Emmett Till

When I say that black kids are far more likely to be suspended or expelled from school. That we are arresting kids at school, the school-to-prison pipeline. And as with the criminal justice system writ large, blacks are disproportionally involved. That black kids are far less likely to graduate from high school, or to earn a degree. Which makes it more difficult to get a job. Harder to get a decent-paying job. Without property or much income, you can’t get any credit. Can’t get a loan to start a business. The strains of poverty are difficult on relationships. Especially when suitors are in-and-out of jail and often unemployed. When young men see the stereotypes, and see them played out in real-time. See talent in themselves and in people around them, who couldn’t catch a break. Or made that one mistake and could never recover. Worse, were cut down before their time, and whose efforts could never be realized.

Sean Taylor

Sean Taylor

Martin_Luther_King_Jr_NYWTS_2The future might not seem like it has much to offer, and playing it straight has no guarantees. Tupac_grafitti,_Vlasotince,_SerbiaOur War on Drugs pushes industry onto an extremely profitable black market. And pushes large sums of money onto the streets (even legal cannabis dispensaries have this problem). We target the black community, who use and deal drugs at roughly the same rate as whites, yet are far more likely to be charged. Black-on-black crime? Everyone is far more likely to be victimized by someone of the same ethnic background (save Native Americans). Blacks are aggressively charged by prosecutors, and given harsher sentences by judges if found guilty, usually by majority-white juries. When they get out, we make felons check a box on job applications in many states. Won’t let felons vote in many states. We only reinforce the stereotypes. That they aren’t fully equal. Aren’t sufficiently American or human. Don’t deserve the benefit of doubt. These are problems we need to address.Inmates_Orleans_Parish_Prison

The response from a lot of white folks is: Don’t blame me! I have black friends at work. I smile and hold the door open for elderly black people. A lot of that stuff is just things that poor people have to deal with, not just blacks. I’m not rich, either. Life isn’t easy on anybody. I earned everything that I have. I worked for it. I stayed out of trouble. Why are you telling me about black people problems? White privilege? I didn’t do it. I don’t use the n-word. I’m not racist. Are you calling me racist? Are you calling America racist? Racism against blacks is over. Slavery was a long time ago. Blacks have rights, too. Make better decisions. Pull yourself up by your own bootstraps. Oprah and Obama.

Well, here’s the thing. Either black people, by virtue of their skin tone, are simply inferior. Or, we have a system which suppresses their efforts. It has to be one or the other.

peace_dove_graffitiAdmitting that we systematically oppress the black community does not mean you hate America or think all white people are racist. It’s not blacks v whites. And it’s not blacks v US of A. Admitting that whites are more likely to be given the benefit of doubt, does not mean that white people haven’t earned anything. We just need everyone to be afforded the same privilege. We all have to live together, and we must strive to make things better for all of us. But we have to diagnose what ails us before we can find remedies. We have to face the truth. It cannot be ignored.

Pro-Choice Jesus

Bob McDonnell

Bob McDonnell, aka Governor Ultrasound

Since 2010, we’ve passed more abortion restrictions in the United States than during the entire previous decade. Some states have banned abortions past a certain number of weeks. Some now require invasive and unnecessary medical procedures (vaginal probes). Or waiting periods. Require women to be counseled by religious organizations. Or require doctors to read scripts with false medical claims. Some states are criminalizing miscarriages. Some of these new laws nothing at all to do with women. Some target family planning clinics. Unnecessarily extravagant building codes. Others target abortion doctors themselves. TRAP laws. Targeted Restrictions on Abortion Providers. Federal courts have said that shutting down clinics for hundreds of miles is not an undue burden on a woman’s right to choose. The Supreme Court recently decided that private corporations have religious beliefs, and can deny contraception coverage in healthcare plans.scotus

Legislators have attempted to pass personhood bills, which would ban certain forms of contraception (including IUDs). Rape insurance bills, which would require additional insurance coverage for abortion, even for rape victims. Fetal-heartbeat bills. Some states have attempted to jail abortion providers. Some states (GA) have tried to ban clinics from doing abortions, only in hospitals. Other states (PA) have have tried to ban hospitals from doing abortion, only in clinics.

boehner2While some claim that these efforts are meant to protect the health of women, others are more truthful. House Speaker John Boehner has said that “one of our most fundamental goals” is to “make abortion a relic of the past.” In fact, the 2012 Republican party platform insisted upon a Constitutional ban on all abortions.

popesThe stance of the Catholic church, and of many Christians, is that the bible instructs believers to be anti-choice. I’m going to explain why this doesn’t have to be the case.

Albrecht_Dürer,_Adam_and_Eve,_1504,_EngravingAccording to Genesis, God created Adam & Eve. When there were only two people on the planet, God instructed them to be fruitful and multiply. Again, after the flood, the planet was inhabited by just Noah and his extended family. As before, God instructed them to be fruitful and multiply, to inhabit the earth. Those were very specific cases. Which made sense. Human existence was in peril. This situation has long since been remedied. There are over 7 billion people on the planet these days. Multiplying humans is exceedingly more a hindrance than a virtue.Duggar_Family_2007-1

Later in Genesis came the story of Onan. His brother, Er, was evil in the sight of the Lord, so God killed him. Onan’s father, Judah, instructed him to marry Er’s widow in order to conceive an heir. Onan knew that an heir would truly be his brother’s, and not his own. Onan married Tamar, but spilled his seed on the ground. So God killed Onan, too.

anticonceptivasThe story of Onan needn’t be interpreted as anti-contraception. It could just as easily be taught as a story of obeying your parents and respecting elders. Common biblical themes. Better still, the story of Onan was in line the Old Testament law that a man was to take his brother’s widow if they had yet to conceive. Onan was running afoul of this and was punished.

Fetal_face_profileThou shalt not kill came in Exodus. Seems pretty cut and dried, except that zygotes are not people. How can I say this? Especially when we have sonograms? Well, what does the bible say? Adam was created, but wasn’t alive until he was given the breath of life. Again in Revelations 11:11, breath signifies life.

AbortusExodus also lays out restitution for accidental death. A woman could be killed for half-price. And no payment is necessary unless the deceased is at least one month of age. The bible says that you aren’t alive until you take a breath of life, and you don’t count until one month.

jesus6The Old Testament shows just how pro-life God isn’t. It’s not just Sodom & Gomorrah. Jews were commanded to kill all non-believers. The Canaanites were to be completely destroyed, from women and children to pets and livestock. Everything. The first-born sons of the Egyptians were murdered by God. God once got so mad at humans, that he murdered all but a few of us. Shoot, Revelations says that Jesus will eventually torch our entire planet, including all non-believing inhabitants (for New Jerusalem). Does that sound very pro-life?

Moses_with_his_rod_and_his_brazen_serpent._Engraving_by_J._H_Wellcome_V0034280In fact, Moses gave a recipe for an infertility potion in Numbers 5. If a man is jealous, a priest mixes holy water in an earthen jar with dirt from the floor of the tabernacle, ashes of paper transcribed with damning statements, and burnt grains of jealousy. If God knows that the wife was faithful all along, she avoids the curse of infertility from the potion, and being cast out. Not very pro-life.

Vatican_StPaul_StatueWho are we fooling here? This is not about what the bible teaches. The bible can just as easily be interpreted to require abortion as condemn it. SadHousewife

This is about control over women. Jesus spoke against placing undue burdens upon people. Said that mercy is greater than sacrifice.

Abortion_Law_Reform_Society_campaign_leaflet_Wellcome_L0022773Forcing women to carry every pregnancy to term is an undue burden. Contraception means that women control their own lives. That they are free to have an uninterrupted career if they choose. To choose the most appropriate time to start a family. To be able to decide when they’ve had enough kids. Aside from the basic right of autonomy over their own bodies.

This is a problem for some. The bible says that wives should be submissive. The Catholic church refuses to allow female priesthood to this day.

wethepeopleThis is where we see the greatest need for the separation of church and state. The Constitution (let alone common sense) mandates that women are equal. Who are we to demand control over women’s lives and bodies? Because someone told you that the bible says so? Read it yourself. And don’t skim over the bad parts. The bible also supports slavery. Instructs slaves to be faithful to their masters. Which we know is also completely and utterly disgusting. Are pro-lifers also pro-slavery? Should we still ban shellfish and mixed fabrics? Should we still have a ban on collecting interest? Are we unclean if we sit where a woman on her menstrual cycle had previously sat? Should sexually-active women be cast out of cities? Should children be murdered for cursing at their parents? That’s what the bible says. And we don’t believe any of that.

Donald_Spitz_holds_anti-abortion_signNow of course, America is not a theocracy (we were the first secular nation, to intentionally have no official religion). And not all believers are anti-choice. But that doesn’t stop the restrictions from happening from coast to coast. And the fact that six of nine Supreme Court justices are Catholic, most of whom seem amenable to overturning Roe.


Sally Ride

Rosie_the_Riveter_(Vultee)_DSThink about how things actually play out in real life. Why would a woman want to get an abortion? Think about it. Being pregnant means taking time off from work. We don’t have guaranteed maternity leave in the US. For a single woman/mother, taking such time off not only greatly diminishes pay, but hinders career advancement. If she is in a low-paying job, or is a student – the cost of having children is impossible to afford without significant assistance. Forcing government-mandated pregnancy-outcomes can represent a severe economic punishment.

Woman_as_Sex_ObjectMaybe the father went kaput. The family was split before it began. Maybe she’s thirteen and was raped. Maybe she’s sixteen, and doesn’t feel like she’s ready to raise a child. Maybe she’s twenty-four, and her birth control failed. Look, people have sex, it’s only natural. We should not impose punishment upon those who want to share intimacy with another human being. Slut-shaming is wrong. If you believe that God intended for sex to feel good, why would we want to attach punishment to such a gift?

ClassroomRestrictions on abortion are nonsensical. I challenge anyone to find women who have abortions for fun. Who whimsically and frequently find themselves pregnant, only to abort the proceedings. Like drive-thru abortions. That’s what contraception is for, so you don’t get pregnant in the first place. And that’s what sex-education is for.

Silhouette_or_a_pregnant_woman_and_her_partner-14Aug2011Abortions are not gleeful, not celebratory. With heavy hearts and much deliberation are these decisions made. And made for specific and valid reasons.

pregnant Geschenk_fig.1Access to abortion should not be restricted in any way. (Aside from coercion.) Especially late-term abortions. And these are the most despised. Yet I say again, why would a woman make such a decision? Why would a woman have a late-term abortion? Think about it – she’s already carried the fetus for months on end. Already gained the weight, with possible marks to show. Already dealing with the pains of pregnancy. Sickness, swollenness and tenderness.  Why would she suddenly decide not to follow through?


George Tiller aka Tiller the Baby Killer, late-term abortion provider, assassinated at his church.

She wouldn’t. It would be because doctors have informed her that the fetus is not viable, and/or that her that giving birth would be a significant risk to her health.

You don’t think women should have abortions? Don’t have one. Think that fetuses should have rights over women? Women are not incubators. They are human beings.



Not only are abortion restrictions morally reprehensible in their disrespect for women. But they push women in need of care into the hands of despicable individuals like Kermit Gosling. Into back-alley abortions. Bathtub abortions. Kitchen table abortions. Back to hangers. To women dying everyday in failed amateur abortions. We are headed in the wrong direction.

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